On the weekend, we ducked in to the National Multicultural Festival in the heart of Canberra to catch up with some friends and check out the action. There was plenty going on - food stalls, cultural performances on a number of stages and various booths with displays by clubs and community groups. But amid all this colour and movement, the familiar merry-go-round in Petrie Plaza was by far the best entertainment.
The merry-go-round started operating in 1914 at the St Kilda Esplanade in Melbourne. It was purchased for $40,000 for the people of Canberra at public auction in September 1973. The horses are four abreast in 14 rows. There are also two hand carved wooden elephant carriages. One elephant is white the other is grey. The boys took a typically recumbent pose on Queenie the white elephant.
Oh, watch out! Here comes Tashi and friends!
Oh, watch out! Here comes Tashi and friends!
It was hot and crowded and noisy - what with the drummers accompanying the Chinese lion dance, the techno belly dancers and Chilean pipes all going at it with amplified sound - and we were just trailing around aimlessly. So we sought refuge at the playground in Glebe Park so we could hear each other speak and allow the children to let off some more steam.
The ACT library site has more on the history of the Civic merry-go-round and pipe organ.