Sunday, December 25, 2011

So hallow'd and so gracious is the time

Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 1

~ William Shakespeare 

Marcellus to Horatio and Bernardo, after seeing the Ghost
Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated, This bird of dawning singeth all night long; And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad, The nights are wholesome, then no planets strike, No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm, So hallow'd and so gracious is the time.

A blessed, quiet day at home to celebrate Christmas.  We baked a turkey for the first time ever and it was a roaring success.  But we now have a surplus of exquisite macadamia and dried fruit stuffing which was just not going to fit in that bird's cavity.  The children couldn't stand the suspense waiting for official present opening time.  We dragged it out as long as we could (until a reasonable hour for drinking champagne) and carefully opened each gift one by one.  We spent the rest of the day playing with Lego, giving phone calls and pottering about until the rains came in the late afternoon.  Then we snuggled up to watch Home Alone.   We were too relaxed to grapple with reading and absorbing the instructions for some new board and card games.  That will have to wait until another day in this glorious stretch of holidays.  

Image: By me.  A nativity display in a garden adorned with Christmas lights somewhere in Kambah - the deep suburbs of Canberra. 


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