Time to pause and reflect on the good things.
(Playing along with Maxabella via Pink Patent Mary Jane)
I'm grateful for:
- School holidays and public holidays, 27 September to 8 October 2010
Rest and play. The next two weeks will give us time to re-charge the batteries for Term 4. The last stretch to the Summer holidays and the last 10 weeks of Kindy, Year 2 and Year 4.
- My personal IT HelpDesk.
The strong silent one has a thing for technology and cables. As much as I deplore the expense and effort involved in maintaining our home computer set-up, he does make it easy for luddite-me to Google, blog and email. He's always just one call away to trouble-shoot and does so with immense patience.
- Home-made pizza dough
One sachet of yeast, a pinch of sugar and two thirds of a cup of luke warm water and we are away.